Afghan Energy, Chemical & Mining Industries
resource for Renewable Energies, Irrigation & Sustainable Industries.

Polyethylene Pipes

The company proposes to produce PE63,PE80 and PE 100 HDPE (High Density Polyethylene Pipes) for water , water transport and Irrigation .

Pipe sizes will vary between DN20 (20mm Diameter) to DN280 (350mm Diameter)-
All pipes will be according to ISO 4427, with SDR ranges that will apply for different strengths of materails and wall thicknesses.

The plant will be located in Mazar e-Sharif where there is a large agricultural community and available power. The cost of the plant is estimated to cost $450,000.

We hope that by building and running this plant, we would releave the need for imports for this commodity and lower end user prices. We ourselves require these pipes for its use in irrigation together with LDPE tape for SDI (Sub-Soil Drip Irrigation). We have a pilot project for almond trees in a 300 Hectare plot. We intend to use SDI irrigation methods in order to conserve water in our region.

For participation please contact us on our contact page. >>>>contact us

PN4 4bar pressure Pipes with the following production:
HDPE PN4 PE63 Pipes with 4 Bar pressure
OD Wall ID Ratio Density outer area Inner Area volume Kg/m Prod
HDPE mm mm mm SDR Wall/ODwidth Kg/m3 m2 m3/m Rate
DN16 16 2.3 11.40 6.96 0.1438 950 0.000201 0.000102 9.9004E-05 0.094054 900
DN20 20 2.3 15.40 8.70 0.1150 950 0.000314 0.000186 0.00012791 0.121515 840
DN25 25 2.3 20.40 10.87 0.0920 950 0.000491 0.000327 0.00016404 0.155842 840
DN32 32 2.3 27.40 13.91 0.0719 950 0.000804 0.00059 0.00021463 0.203899 720
DN40 40 2.3 35.40 17.39 0.0575 950 0.001257 0.000984 0.00027244 0.258821 600
DN50 50 2.3 45.40 21.74 0.0460 950 0.001964 0.001619 0.00034471 0.327473 420
DN63 63 2.5 58.00 25.20 0.0397 950 0.003118 0.002642 0.00047523 0.451466 270
DN75 75 2.9 69.20 25.86 0.0387 950 0.004418 0.003761 0.00065696 0.624113 270
DN90 90 3.5 83.00 25.71 0.0389 950 0.006363 0.005411 0.00095124 0.903678 210
DN110 110 4.2 101.60 26.19 0.0382 950 0.009505 0.008108 0.00139618 1.32637 151
DN125 125 4.8 115.40 26.04 0.0384 950 0.012273 0.010461 0.00181281 1.722168 120
DN140 140 5.4 129.20 25.93 0.0386 950 0.015396 0.013112 0.00228373 2.169545 96
DN160 160 6.2 147.60 25.81 0.0388 950 0.020109 0.017113 0.00299609 2.846281 75
DN180 180 6.9 166.20 26.09 0.0383 950 0.02545 0.021697 0.00375277 3.565135 58
DN200 200 7.7 184.60 25.97 0.0385 950 0.03142 0.026768 0.00465239 4.419771 48
DN225 225 8.6 207.80 26.16 0.0382 950 0.039766 0.033919 0.00584739 5.555018 38
DN250 250 9.6 230.80 26.04 0.0384 950 0.049094 0.041843 0.00725123 6.888672 31
DN280 280 10.7 258.60 26.17 0.0382 950 0.061583 0.052529 0.0090537 8.601019 30

PN6 with 6 bar pressure pipes:
PE PN6 PE63 Pipes with 6 Bar pressure      
OD Wall ID Ratio Density outer area Inner Area volume Kg/m Prod
HDPE mm mm mm SDR Wall/ODwidth Kg/m3 m2 m3/m Rate
DN16 16 2.3 11.40 6.96 0.1438 950 0.000201 0.000102 9.9E-05 0.094054 900
DN20 20 2.3 15.40 8.70 0.1150 950 0.000314 0.000186 0.000128 0.121515 840
DN25 25 2.3 20.40 10.87 0.0920 950 0.000491 0.000327 0.000164 0.155842 840
DN32 32 2.3 27.40 13.91 0.0719 950 0.000804 0.00059 0.000215 0.203899 720
DN40 40 2.3 35.40 17.39 0.0575 950 0.001257 0.000984 0.000272 0.258821 600
DN50 50 2.9 44.20 17.24 0.0580 950 0.001964 0.001535 0.000429 0.407707 420
DN63 63 3.6 55.80 17.50 0.0571 950 0.003118 0.002446 0.000672 0.638291 270
DN75 75 4.3 66.40 17.44 0.0573 950 0.004418 0.003463 0.000955 0.907439 270
DN90 90 5.1 79.80 17.65 0.0567 950 0.006363 0.005002 0.00136 1.292432 210
DN110 110 6.3 97.40 17.46 0.0573 950 0.009505 0.007452 0.002053 1.950065 103
DN125 125 7.1 110.80 17.61 0.0568 950 0.012273 0.009643 0.00263 2.49863 120
DN140 140 8 124.00 17.50 0.0571 950 0.015396 0.012078 0.003318 3.152054 96
DN160 160 9.1 141.80 17.58 0.0569 950 0.020109 0.015794 0.004315 4.098835 75
DN180 180 10.2 159.60 17.65 0.0567 950 0.02545 0.020008 0.005442 5.169727 58
DN200 200 11.4 177.20 17.54 0.0570 950 0.03142 0.024665 0.006755 6.417654 48
DN225 225 12.8 199.40 17.58 0.0569 950 0.039766 0.031232 0.008534 8.107466 38
DN250 250 14.2 221.60 17.61 0.0568 950 0.049094 0.038573 0.010521 9.99452 31

PN10 with PE100 at 12bar pressure rating:
HDPE PN10 PE100 Pipes with 10 Bar pressure      
OD Wall ID Ratio Density outer area Inner Area volume Kg/m Prod
HDPE mm mm mm SDR Wall/ODwidth Kg/m3 m2 m3/m Rate
DN20 20 2.3 16.00 8.70 0.1150 950 0.000314 0.000201 0.000113 0.107456 840
DN25 25 2.3 20.40 10.87 0.0920 950 0.000491 0.000327 0.000164 0.155842 840
DN32 32 2.9 26.10 11.03 0.0906 950 0.000804 0.000535 0.000269 0.255798 720
DN40 40 3.7 32.60 10.81 0.0925 950 0.001257 0.000835 0.000422 0.400902 600
DN50 50 4.6 40.80 10.87 0.0920 950 0.001964 0.001308 0.000656 0.623367 420
DN63 63 5.8 51.40 10.86 0.0921 950 0.003118 0.002075 0.001042 0.99027 270
DN75 75 6.8 61.40 11.03 0.0907 950 0.004418 0.002961 0.001457 1.384277 270
DN90 90 8.2 73.60 10.98 0.0911 950 0.006363 0.004255 0.002108 2.002152 210
DN110 110 10 90.00 11.00 0.0909 950 0.009505 0.006363 0.003142 2.9849 67
DN125 125 11.4 102.20 10.96 0.0912 950 0.012273 0.008204 0.004069 3.865565 120
DN140 140 12.7 114.60 11.02 0.0907 950 0.015396 0.010316 0.00508 4.825718 96
DN160 160 14.6 130.80 10.96 0.0913 950 0.020109 0.013439 0.00667 6.336465 75
DN180 180 16.4 147.20 10.98 0.0911 950 0.02545 0.01702 0.00843 8.008606 58
DN200 200 18.2 163.60 10.99 0.0910 950 0.03142 0.021024 0.010396 9.876318 48
DN225 225 20.5 184.00 10.98 0.0911 950 0.039766 0.026594 0.013172 12.51345 38
DN250 250 22.7 204.60 11.01 0.0908 950 0.049094 0.032882 0.016212 15.40122 31


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